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LC 0-0-5 Liquid Potassium Sulfate Fertilizer

  • Product Code:F;OALC 0-0-5

LC 0-0-5 is a liquid organic potash solution derived from NOP approved sulfate of potash powder and combined with humic acids. It is a great potassium supplement for plants or soil that are showing signs of potassium deficiency.

Potassium deficiency is difficult to notice, as various plants and or crops display this deficiency differently. Generally dead or dying tissues, yellowing of leaves point to a potassium deficiency. A plant tissue test along with a soil test is the best method for determining the current deficiency of the plant, if one exists.

Your soil eco system as well as the environment around the plant(s) determine how easily they are able to utilize potassium. Cold soil and high moisture have been shown to reduce the availability of potassium to plants. LC 0-0-5 can help solve or counteract potassium problems in plants if applied at the first sign of potassium deficiency.

Don't let your plant become deficient in potassium as it is a major nutrient for the plant, it is involved in numerous plant functions required for growth and development.More Details





32 oz bottle
Price: $14.68 
1 gal bottle
Price: $20.97 
2.5 gal bottle
Price: $48.79 
2.5 gal bottle (2X2.5 CASE) Price is for a full 5-gal case (2 X 2.5 gal). Order Quantity reflects the number of full cases being ordered.
Unit Price: $44.73
Case Price: $89.46 
2.5 gal bottle (36 case PALLET ) Professional Accounts Only
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30 gal drum Professional Accounts Only
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30 gal drum (5+) Professional Accounts Only
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55 gal drum Professional Accounts Only
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55 gal drum (4+) Professional Accounts Only
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275 gal bulk tote Professional Accounts Only
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275 gal bulk tote (2+) Professional Accounts Only
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This product is designed for adding a soluble form of potassium to the soil to assist plants in their growth and development.

LC 0-0-5 is 100% organic and NOP approvable
LC 0-0-5 helps to prevent and counteract potassium deficiency
LC 0-0-5 is soil soluble and immediately available to plants
LC 0-0-5 is a unique blend with our humates to help provide an increase in available soil nutrients for the plant as a bonus.
LC 0-0-5 is exceptionally useful for sandy or clay soils as the humate has various benefits such as increasing the water retention capacity of the soil as well as the plant available macro and micro nutrients in the soil.
Organic Approach LC 0-0-5 may be applied by itself or as an additive with most companion materials. It should be used between 1 and 3 ounces per gallon of water for ornamentals and crops and up to 6 ounces per gallon of water for turf. For general maintenance applications use 2 ounce per gallon of water and spray until run-off. As a general guide we recommend the following:

Ornamentals: apply 2.0 oz per gallon of water once per month
Veggie Crops: apply 1.0 oz per gallon of water twice per month
Turf and Fairways: apply 0.25-0.50 gallons per acre twice per month
Greens and Tees: apply 0.5 oz. per 1,000 square feet weekly

Ornamentals: apply 2.0 oz per gallon of water once per month
Veggie Crops: apply 1.0 oz per gallon of water twice per month
Turf and Fairways: apply 0.25-0.50 gallons per acre twice per month
Greens and Tees: apply 0.5 oz. per 1,000 square feet weekly

Ornamentals: apply 2.0 oz per gallon of water once per month
Veggie Crops: apply 1.0 oz per gallon of water twice per month
Turf and Fairways: apply 0.25-0.50 gallons per acre twice per month
Greens and Tees: apply 0.5 oz. per 1,000 square feet weekly

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