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M-PEDE Insecticide & Fungicide & Miticide Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids

  • Product Code:P;MPEDE

Safe and effective control of sucking and piercing insects, mites, and powdery mildew throughout their lifecycles.
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2.5 gal bottle
Price: $138.86 
2.5 gal bottle (2X2.5 CASE) Professional Accounts Only
Please click here to create a professional account.
Natural, safe, insecticide, miticide, and fungicide that provides excellent contact control of various soft bodied insects, mites, and powdery mildew throughout their life cycles. NOP compliant and OMRI certified.
Insecticidal soap and bio-fungicide providing broad-spectrum protection against soft bodied insects, mites, and powdery mildew
Approved for field and greenhouse applications for both organic and conventional agriculture systems
Exempt from tolerances
Worker Safety Friendly
Excellent resistance management tool due to contact mode of action
12-hour REI / 0-day PHI

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