Organic Approach’s Acid Diet 5-0-3 is a premium all-natural biological fertilizer designed to lower or maintain the soil pH. It contains 20% sulfur, which helps ensure that the vital nutrients needed by acid loving plants do not become locked up in the soil. This product contains no animal manures; it is a homogenized blend of natural meals and mineral earth deposits combined with two of Nature’s most powerful substances, soluble humate (a biologically active source of humic and fulvic acids) and soluble seaweed extract (a biologically active source of trace elements and natural plant growth hormones). Acid Diet 5-0-3 is safe for use on all types of plants.
LabelSDS Sheet: This product is not considered to be or to contain hazardous chemicals based on evaluations made by our company under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.