Sil-Matrix Potassium Silicate Insecticide, Fungicide & Miticide

  • Product Code:P;SILMATRIX

Safe and effective control of sucking and piercing insects, mites, and powdery mildew throughout their lifecycles.More Details





2.5 gal bottle
Price: $95.80 
2.5 gal bottle (2X2.5 CASE) Professional Accounts Only
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Sil-Matrix LC is sensitive to low pH materials. Target pH for solution should be 4.5-7-8. Avoid pH of 6. Avoid contact with glass. Remove promptly from glass surfaces. Apply this product only through drip (trickle); sprinkler (solid set, lateral move, end tow, side roll, center pivot, or hand move); flood (basin); furrow; or border irrigation systems. Do not apply this product through any other type of irrigation system. Do not apply foliar sprays to open blooms of Geraniums, Marigold, Pansy and Petunia. Crop injury or lack of effectiveness can result from non-uniform distribution of treated water. As a broad spectrum fungicide: If not applied on a routine protectant spray schedule, observe plants for disease signs or symptoms. Apply appropriate fungicide, at the listed label use rate and spray schedule, at the first sign of disease, report of disease in the area, or during environmental conditions favorable for disease development. Rate of application is variable according to pest pressure, timing of sprays and plant stage of growth. Use lower rates under light to moderate pest pressure, higher rates under heavy pest pressure and for mite control. Arid climates generally require higher rates. FOR ALL CROPS: Optimum performance is achieved when using a sufficient volume of water to insure complete coverage of all stems and foliage. Apply at a volume to volume concentration of 0.25% to 1% spray solution, unless otherwise specified. For example, 1-4 quarts per 100 gallons of water. See Dilution Table on the manufacturer's label under the DOCS tab for other volumes. For disease control, apply on a preventative schedule. Begin applications when environmental conditions are conducive to disease development. Repeat applications no sooner than every 7 days. When conditions are conducive for rapid disease development, it is recommended that the product be used in a rotational program with other registered fungicides. For mite and insect control, begin applications when pests first appear and repeat applications as necessary to maintain control, but no sooner than every 7 days. For best results, apply product before leaf hardening and use a high analysis non-ionic surfactant at recommended label rates. FOR FOLIAR APPLICATIONS OF FRUIT, NUT AND VINE CROPS; VEGETABLES AND OTHER AGRONOMIC CROPS AND ORNAMENTAL CROPS: Apply 0.25% to 1% solution (1-4 quarts Sil-Matrix LC /100 gal.) in 50 to 250 gallons finished spray per acre. For fruit, nut and vine crops, vegetables and other agronomic crops: Apply up to the day of harvest (0-day PHI). Do not apply more than 10 quarts per acre (7.5 lb ai/a) per application. Do not apply more than 20 gallons per acre (60 lb ai/a) per season. Do not make post-harvest applications.
Insecticidal soap and bio-fungicide providing broad-spectrum protection against soft bodied insects, mites, and powdery mildew
Approved for field and greenhouse applications for both organic and conventional agriculture systems
Exempt from tolerances
Worker Safety Friendly
Excellent resistance management tool due to contact mode of action
12-hour REI / 0-day PHI

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