When applied alone or as an alternate spray: 1 - 4 quarts per 100 gals of water (0.25 - 1.0% v/v dilution)
When tank-mixed with another fungicide, the use rate is 0.5 - 4 quarts in 100 gals of water.
Use higher water volumes with larger sized crops and extensive foliage in order to secure thorough coverage.
For greenhouse applications: 1 - 4 quarts per 100 gals of water sprayed until just before point of runoff.
When tank-mixed with another fungicide, the use rate is 0.5 - 4 quarts in 100 gals of water
Repeat at 7 to 10-day intervals as needed.
Foliar Application - ground 0.5-4 qts in 10-100 gals water/ acre Increase water volume as plant size increases
Foliar Application - aerial Apply product in 3-10 gals water/acre
Backpack/Handheld Sprayer 1-3 fl oz/1,000 sq ft applied at 1-2½ gals water/1,000 sq ft. Or at a dilution of ½-2½ fl oz/gal water
Chemigation - drip & soil drench 2-4 qts/acre
Chemigation - sprinkler 1-4 qts/acre
Pre-Plant Dip 1-4 qts/100 gals
Soil Drench 2-4 qts/acre
In-Furrow 2-4 qt/acre
(2-8 fl oz/1,000 ft row)
Banded Soil Drench 2-4 qts/acre